Sometimes, it feels like my life travels in a series of intertwined circles - work, study, different job, change study major, rethink future, change mind, get exasperated by lack of decision making ability, start all over again. Today I feel, is the beginning of breaking this spell. Popping the bubble. Breaking the proverbial chain. Today I become a University student again.
This morning began with the horrendous ear-piercing sound of an early alarm (a torture device to those not inclined to get ouf bed prior to the sun rising) and was quickly followed up by a hot shower and a strong cup of tea. Then came the battle with the wardrobe that I SWEAR eats my clothes. Or transforms them all into something unsuitable to face the impending judgement of my fellow students (I am sure no one actually pays attention, but good luck convincing the self-doubting part of my psyche of this).
And then I had a moment, just a few seconds in which I realised I don't have an issue with the hour and a half long journey to and from campus, nor the fact that I have to make my lunch (or starve), or even the amount of stress I will undoubtedly be in once I realise I will actually have to focus on study for the next three years. It was a moment on the train, somewhere between Oakleigh and Berwick Stations, in which a combination of Idina Menzel, Wicked and the world outside rushing past, convinced me this will be worth it.
I don't think I have ever been this excited about study, and although the feeling is foreign to me, I am embracing it with all I am.
In the wise words of Courtney Beth Lewis "Just roll with it."